This morning Ms Humphreys had a gentleman caller; he arrived with Peter and Carol Watt from Ashton Lane Alpacas. We had planned to have coffee when they arrived but as soon as Thunder saw Ms Humphreys he couldn't wait to get started so our drinks had to wait. He is an absolutely stunning looking stud male and I can't wait to see what this mating produces. I'm hoping that Cooper has learned something from him ready for his next date with Mimi.
Si has just about finished all the fencing now and was still out there at 9pm taking advantage of the light nights. The new drive has also been worked on today and we have 40 ton of scalpings arriving sometime on Thursday which will have to be spread on the surface. The docks that he sprayed in a couple of paddocks have now wilted so time will have to be made to top them but I don't know when we'll be able to find the time.
Oh! Ms Humphreys, you old tart..... ;o))