We now have whole paddocks where our feet don't disappear into the mud when we walk on them. We have been making the most of the good weather to get as much work done as possible. Yesterday we went to order 4 more gates for the new paddocks and look forward to them arriving later in the week. I also bought portable mangers to hang on the gates so that all the food and water is off the ground. They had them in blue and pink so obviously I got blue for the boys and pink for the girls. I asked Si if I had got the numbers right and he said 'No, that is so wrong' so I did a count again and was convinced I was right. He was referring to the fact I had chosen pink and blue ones not the amount.
We took our poo samples to the vet last week and they telephoned Si on Friday morning when he was in the office doing hard sums to give him the good news that they are completely clear of everything. Following Rob and Les's healthcare regime is certainly paying dividends. Regular paddock cleaning and rotation should help keep it that way. I'm being particularly rigorous about the poo picking at the moment because I'm supposed to be doing the accounts. It was funny that everytime I used to have to do my VAT it became really urgent that I cleaned the kitchen cupboards and utility room. Cherub and Sweetheart enjoy helping with the paddock cleaning and follow me round, their little legs must ache at the end of the day. In the top picture they had obviously decided that they had helped enough and deserved a break. They went on to help Si with the fencing after I had finished.
Ollie has carried on ripping out the old paddocks and is really enjoying seeing the place evolve. He had to be practically dragged in tonight, it's good that it is staying light later.
I also spoke too soon about the male cria not crying for their mums. They spent two days crying and pacing up and down at the front of their new paddock, it is just a muddy mess now, but they could see their mums in the distance, they haven't been bad today though. Their mothers have paid them no attention so must have been ready for them to go.
Larraluh looks spectacular in fleece like that. She is a stunning looking alpaca.
Nice to see the Green Green Grass !!..lovely photos...especially of Cherub and Sweetheart..by the wheel-barrow...not forgetting the alpacas too.....Jayne
ReplyDeleteOMG! I hadn't noticed those two THINGS by the wheelbarrow. Agghhrrrrr!!!!!!!! Help!